
People forget how important it is to be lazy in libraries. Not of course idle: idleness means daydreaming. Laziness means reading the books one ought not to be reading, and becoming so absorbed in them that at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning. Creative laziness broadens the mind. 


分からないところはthat at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning.

また、the books one ought not to be readingは直訳すると、「人が読むべきでない本」となりますがこれでは日本語としてどうなのかと思ったので、「人が読むに値しない本」と訳したのですがこうやって訳してもいいのでしょうか?

A 回答 (3件)



>>People forget how important it is to be lazy in libraries. Not of course idle: idleness means daydreaming. Laziness means reading the books one ought not to be reading, and becoming so absorbed in them that at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning. Creative laziness broadens the mind.



図書館へ来た目的であった、本来読むべき本を読むことさえ忘れてしまう程、たまたま手に取った関係のない本に時間を費やしてしまったので、図書館の閉館時間が近付いていても、「ありゃ! 読まなきゃいけない本、朝から何も読んでないや!」となってしまうほど「クリエイティブに没頭する、怠ける」ことは、思考を養い、拡大するものだ。

つまり、kittenandcatさんが英語学の本を読みに地元の図書館に行ったとします。該当する英語学の書籍を借りに二階に上がった時、ふと隣の本棚で見掛けた心理学の本のタイトルが気になって手に取ってみたら、それが殊の外面白くて、「the books one ought not to be reading(本来読むべき英語学の本をそっちのけで心理学の本を読みふけってしまった)」ということです。
 そして、「that at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning.(もうすぐ閉館時刻だというのに、本来読むべき英語学の本が朝図書館に来た時と同じ程ほとんど残っている)」ということですね。

・the books one ought not to be reading ⇒ もうお分かりかと思いますが、one は一般的に「人」というよりも、「特定の目的を持って図書館に来た人」を指し、「その人は、英語学の本を読みに来たのだから、英語学と関係のない心理学の本を読んでいるヒマはない筈だ」ということですよね。


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at the end of the day

you still have most of the reading to do

that you had before you that morning
(関係代名詞節。the reading to doを修飾)
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lazy = relaxed
You can use lazy to describe an activity or event in which you are very relaxed and which you do or take part in without making much effort

People forget how important it is to be lazy in libraries. Not of course idle: idleness means daydreaming. Laziness means reading the books one ought not to be reading, and becoming so absorbed in them that at the end of the day you still have most of the reading to do that you had before you that morning. Creative laziness broadens the mind.

図書館でのんびりと時間を費やすことがいかに大切か忘れている人がいる。同じ怠慢(idle ≒laziness)でも空想をして怠けることではなく、この怠慢(laziness)は読むべき本を読まずに他の本に夢中になる・・・と理解をすると分かりやすくなります。
貴方の質問に答えるならばまず SO . . . . THAT の構文を思い出して下さい
becoming SO absorbed in them THAT you still have most of reading to do before you that moring.
at the end of day を that you had を付け足すだけです。
before you を in front of you におきかえると

becoming so absorbed in books that you still have most of reading to do in front of you that moring.

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