
kinds of materials
types of materials


A 回答 (1件)

以下は longman 英英辞典による、type, kind, sort の説明です。

WORD CHOICE: type, kind, sort

Type, kind, and sort all have the same meaning and can be used in the same situations
(type、kind、sort は全て同じ意味であり、同じ状況で使える)
・What type of car do you drive?
・an interesting kind of plant
・a new sort of mobile phone

If you are saying that something is partly true or are not being exact, use sort of or kind of rather than type of
(あんまり自信がない事をいう時は、type of より sort of か kind of を使いなさい)
・It's a sort of oval shape. (それは楕円みたいな形だ)

どれも可算だから、単数のものにつけるときは単数形で(type of )、複数のものにつけるときは複数形で(types of)
Type, kind, and sort are countable nouns, and they must be plural after determiners with plural meanings
:this type/kind/sort of + singular noun
・I don't like this type of thing.
・This kind of mistake is easy to make.
・Red wine goes well with this sort of dish.

these/those types/kinds/sorts of + plural/singular noun
・How common are these types of illness(es)?
・Those kinds of colours look good with dark skin.!!

Remember to use the plural types/kinds/sorts after all, both, certain, different, many, several, various etc
(all, both, certain, different, many, several, variousなんかに続けて使う時は複数形になることを忘れんじゃないぞ)
・movies that appeal to certain kinds of people (NOT certain kind of people)
・Many sorts of jobs require computing skills (NOT many sort of jobs).
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2008/10/18 10:34
