

1 先生は「雨がやむまでここにいなさい。」と言った

2 その少年は母親に「今日は火曜日なの、それとも水曜日なの」と尋ねた

3 ナンシーはビルに「一週間前だれに会ったの」と尋ねた

4 父は私に、「この小説は面白い。しかし、お前が読むには難しすぎるよ。」と言った

5 姉は私に「早く起きなさい、さもないと遅刻するわよ。」と言った


A 回答 (3件)

1 先生は「雨がやむまでここにいなさい。

  →直接話法 The teacher told me, "Be here until the rain will stop."
  →間接話法 The teacher told me that I should be here until the rain would stop.

2 その少年は母親に「今日は火曜日なの、それとも水曜日なの」と尋ねた
  →直接話法 The boy asked her mother, "Is it Tuesday or Wednesday today?"
  →間接話法 The boy asked her mother that it was Tuesday or Wedneaday that day.

3 ナンシーはビルに「一週間前だれに会ったの」と尋ねた
  →直接話法 Nancy asked Bill, "Who did you meet a week ago?"
  →間接話法 Nancy asked Bill that who Nancy met a week ago.

4 父は私に、「この小説は面白い。しかし、お前が読むには難しすぎるよ。」と言った
  →直接話法 Father told me, "This novel is interesting but it's too difficult for you to read."
  →間接話法 Father told me that this novel was interesting but it was too difficult for me to read.

5 姉は私に「早く起きなさい、さもないと遅刻するわよ。」と言った
  →直接話法 My sister told me, "Wake up, or you'll be late."
  →間接話法 My sisiter told me that I should wake up and I would be late.
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2011/06/20 20:13



1 先生は「雨がやむまでここにいなさい。」と言った
  →直接話法 The teacher told me, "Stay here until the rain stops."
  →間接話法 The teacher told me to stay there until the rain stopped.

2 その少年は母親に「今日は火曜日なの、それとも水曜日なの」と尋ねた
  →直接話法 The boy asked her mother, "Is it Tuesday or Wednesday today?"
  →間接話法 The boy asked her mother whether it was Tuesday or Wedneaday that day.

3 ナンシーはビルに「一週間前だれに会ったの」と尋ねた
  →直接話法 Nancy asked Bill, "Who did you meet a week ago?"
  →間接話法 Nancy asked Bill who he had met a week before.

4 父は私に、「この小説は面白い。しかし、お前が読むには難しすぎるよ。」と言った
  →直接話法 Father said to me, "This novel is interesting but it's too difficult for you to read."
  →間接話法 Father told me that that novel was interesting but that it was too difficult for me to read.

5 姉は私に「早く起きなさい、さもないと遅刻するわよ。」と言った
  →直接話法 My sister said to me, "Wake up, or you'll be late."
  →間接話法 My sisiter told me to wake up and warned me that I would be late.
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2011/06/20 20:13

3 ナンシーはビルに「一週間前だれに会ったの」と尋ねた

  →直接話法 Nancy asked Bill, "Who did you meet a week ago?"
  →間接話法 Nancy asked Bill that who he had met a week ago.

    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2011/06/20 20:13

