
When he was sentenced to 15 yaers in jail for robbery Joe MacDonald knew prison life would be tough.
After about a yaer he had started to get used to the borebom,plain meals,and limited access to the outside world and to his family.
But there was one thing he could't get accustomed to:smoking.
Most of the other prisoners smoked,even though it was difficult to get cigarettes,and nowhere was somking banned.
The worst thing was that he shared a cell with a man who smoked five packs a day.
When Joe asked him at least to cut dwon,he just laughed:Smoking is the only pleasure I have here."

Furthermore,when Joe asked prison guards to move him to a call on his own or one with only non-smokers they didn`t take him seriously either.
After all,Joe was a criminal and this was a jail,not a holiday resort.
They didn`t have enough room to let prisoners choose their own cells.
But Joe felt quite serious about the mater,especially when he atarted to get coughs.

When the prison doctor visited him he said it was just a cold.
But Joe knew that doctors had recognised the dangers of passive smoking,and courts were beginning to support them.
It was not only smokers,but non-amokers near them who risked getting lung cancer and heart disease.
At least people on the 'outside'had some chance of avoiding smokers.
What could he do locked in the same small cell with a smoker up to 23hours a day?
Well,he decided,the,8th Amendment of the US Constitution banned "cruel and unusual punishments."
Surely being forced to face a serious health risk was just such a punishment?
He decided to file a suit against the prison authorities.

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