

( Ronaldinho / as far / the best / know / as/ I / is ) soccer player in the world.

(wrong / about / I / was/ my / new/ boss), because she is really very kind.

( it / that / my brother / is/ my mother's / dream ) and I become doctoes some day.

The knight said , “( against / in / my blood / evil / fighting / is)”.

( it / not / if / for / had / been/ ) your guidance, I might have become a criminal.



A 回答 (1件)

(1) As far as I know Ronaldinho is the best soccer player in the world.

(2) I was wrong about my new boss, because she is really very kind.
(3) It is my mother's dream that my brother and I become doctors some day.
(4) The knight said, "Fighting against evil is in my blood."
(5) If it had not been for your guidance, I might have become a criminal.
(1) 私が知る限り、ロナウジーニョは世界で最高のサッカー選手です。
(2) 私は新任のボスを誤解していました、なぜならば、彼女は本当に非常に親切なのです。
(3) 私の兄(弟)と私がいつか医者になることは、私の母の夢です。
(4) 「悪に対する戦いが、私の血の中にあります。」と、騎士は言いました。
(5) あなたの助言がなかったとしたら、私は犯罪者になったかもしれません。
    • good
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