
1. What do we gauge as essential?

2. Now, that is scary with the way things are today

3. Retained memories of his first life?

4. OK, gang, it's time for rounds

5.A lot of years too late, however.


A 回答 (1件)

1. What do we gauge as essential?

→ 必要不可欠なものとして何を測るのか?

2. Now, that is scary with the way things are today
→ さて、今日の状況からしてそれは恐ろしい。

3. Retained memories of his first life?
→ 彼の最初の命(または、生活、または人生など)について残っている記憶は?

4. OK, gang, it's time for rounds
→ さあ、みんな試合(または巡回、ラウンドなど)の時間だ。

5.A lot of years too late, however.
→ でも、何年も遅すぎた。
    • good
    • 0
