
As far as I’m concerned, the Japanese Government should mend the constitution especially Article 9 because it says renunciation of armed forces.
For me, it’s totally unfair that in spite of the fact that economic powers such as Japan have their own militaries , Japan is not allowed to have one as they do, even supposing that the Japanese Diet adopted the article by itself.
Though The Japanese government has the Japan Self-Defense Forces(JSDF), they are severely restricted from the use of military force, which means it doesn’t have the way to defend the state and the Japanese people. Besides, I’m seriously concerned that Japan has deeply depended on the U.S for its national defense since the end of the WW2 and doubt if wars broke out in around Japan, the U.S. would not give us military support by sacrificing or risking it's troops.
That’s why, I want the government to change the out -of- date constitution through the Diet to suite the present situation facing us and promote JSDF to the national defense forces as soon as possible.
In the end, I hope that Japan will cooperate with it allies for protecting each other by its armed forces from the threats of neighboring countries and international terrorist gropes in equal terms with them.

even supposing thatは接続詞として「自ら国会が条項を採決したとしても」は it’s totally ~の文を修飾しているとの理解でよろしいでしょうか?また、全文の意訳を頂ければ幸いです。

A 回答 (1件)

supposing (that) 〜で if のような接続詞ですが、


even がついていて「たとえ〜としても」

such as Japan と言いながら日本は除く意味になるなどくだけた英語です。

    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2017/04/22 23:02
