
What does this sentence mean?

- せめて彼女の身もとぐらい知る手がかりをつかんでおかないと。
Especially confused with the first part -
- せめて彼女の身もとぐらい知る

Thank you very much!!!!!

A 回答 (3件)

The very least you have to do is obtain any hints to know her identity.

I wish this could be much help for you<3
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at least you should try to come up with a clue to find her identi

fy out in advance.
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It is very hard to explain in English but

i should find a clue to figure out her identity at least.
せめて~ぐらい= at least
身もと= identity
知る= know but i gonna say "figure out" because they have similar meaning
手がかり= clue(s)
つかんでおかないと - im not sure about this part. it is like "i should find" or something like that

i hope you can understand. thank you
    • good
    • 3


お礼日時:2017/10/26 11:28
