
1.She could not go to the party because of illness.
Illness prevented her()()to the party.
2.I remember I want to the museum with you.
I remember ()to the museum with you.
3.Let's take a walk in the park.
What do you say ()()a walk in the park?
4.Who can deny that he is a good teacher?
There is ()()that he is a good teacher.

1.When they meet,they always quarrel.

1.We couldn't but laugh at his funny way of speaking.
We couldn't ()laughing at his funny way of speaking.
2.As soon as he saw me,he smiled and ran up to me.
()()me,he smiled and ran up to me.
3.It is impossible to deny the fact.
()()no()the fact.
4.I am afraid that my son will fail in the entrance examination.
I am afraid ()my son()in the entrance examination.
5.You cannot be too careful when you cross that busy street.
You cannot be too careful ()()that busy street.
6.Whenever I see him,I think of his father.
I cannnot see him ()()of his father.
7.He is not only a scientist but also an essayist.
()()a scientist ,he is an essayist.
8.This is a picture which I painted myself.
This is a picture ()my()().
9.Do you mind if I smoke here?
Do you mind ()()here?


A 回答 (1件)

1 from going

2 問題文が写し間違いでは?
3 to taking
4 no denying

1 They never meet without quarreling.

1 help 2 on seeing me.
3 There is、denying
4 of. failing
5 in crossing
6 without. thinking
7 besides being
8 of 、 own. painting
9 my smoking
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/10/26 17:07
