
A Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
The movie was very touching. It () () all()
I have to () my watch () by next month.
I() the carpenter() this set of kitchen furniture.
My parents wil probably() () () in the program.
I got Mary() () this poem into French
Emi couldn't () () () in Chinese.
B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets
(1) ( entering /I/an ambulance/saw / the parking lot) of the hospital.

(2) In Bali, (local musicians / to / listened we / play ) traditional instruments
(3) ( sung / have /the song / heard/ I) in Chinese somewhere.

A 回答 (3件)

A.1. It (made) (us) all (cry / weep).

2. (have) my watch (repaired)~~~
3. (had) the carpenter (make)~~~
4. (let) (me) (participate)~~~
5. (to) (translate) ~~~
6. (make) (herself) (understood)~~
B.1. I saw an ambulance entering the parking lot ~~~.
2. we listened to local musicians play ~~.
3. I have heard the song sung ~~~. 私はその歌が中国のどこかで歌われたのを聞いたことがあります。
    • good
    • 3


B.3. I have heard the song sung
    • good
    • 1

A.1. made us, cry

2. have, repaired
3. had, make
4. let me participate/join
5. to translate
6. make herself understood

B.1. I saw an ambulance entering the parking lot
2. we listened to local musicians play
3. I heard the song have sung
    • good
    • 1
