
1.Speak not you for him
2.How came you hither?
3.hast any more of this.
4.You are come to see my daughter Anne?
5.Whether had rather lead mine eyes or eye your master's heels?
6.Hath he not a son?
7.What an ass art thou!I understand thee not.
8.Yourself shall go first.
9.I do repent me.
10.Friend hast thou none.
11.Our corn's to reap.
12.A heavier task could not have been impos'd.
Than I to speak my griefs unspeakable.
13.In our sight they three were taken up.
14.Is there any ship puts forth tonight?
15.Who heard me to deny it?

A 回答 (1件)


  1.Speak not you for him = Not speak for him
  2.How came you hither? = How did you come hither?
  3.hast any more of this.= Anyone has more of this
  ??誰が、これ以上を手に入れるか(any が主語?) 
  4.You are come to see my daughter Anne? = You have come to see my Daughter Anne?
  ?? 貴方は、我が娘アンに会いにやって来たのか?
  (現在分詞の have の代わりに be を使う? フランス語には、avoir と etre の使い分けがある)。
  5.Whether had rather lead mine eyes or eye your master's heels?
  6.Hath he not a son? = Has he not a son ?
  彼には息子がないのか?(助動詞 do なしの疑問)
  7.What an ass art thou!I understand thee not.= What an ass you are! I do not understand you
  お前は、なんという馬鹿だ(thou art=you are)! お前が分からない。
  8.Yourself shall go first. = You yourself shall go first (??)
  貴方自身が最初に行きなさい(yourself を主語に使う)
  9.I do repent me. = I do repent me
  私は後悔しいている(do は強調の doだと思います)
  10.Friend hast thou none. = You has no friend (at all)
  貴方には、誰も友人がいない(thou hast=you have)
  11.Our corn's to reap. = Our corn has to reap
  我々の穀物を収穫せねばならない(be to で予定未来では?)
  12.A heavier task could not have been impos'd.
  Than I to speak my griefs unspeakable.
  13.In our sight they three were taken up.
  14.Is there any ship puts forth tonight? = is there any ship which will put forth tonight
  15.Who heard me to deny it? = Who heard that I denied it?
  疑問文が助動詞 do なしで構成できること。
  完了の have の代わりに be が使われる。
  15の me は多分、「与格」である。
    • good
    • 0
