


some people feel undue sress in this stressful society, for exaple, japanese tend to keep up appearances and it has them feel the stress. in addition, some people lost the reason for living because they lost their jobs, and also they are in financial difficulties. For the reasons, some people attempt suicide.

A 回答 (4件)

Some feel heavily stressful in this stressed-out society.

For example, Japanese are apt to keep up appearance to other
people, which make themselves furthermore stressful.
Under this stressful life, some are losing reason to live for
when they lost jobs and they are in financial difficulties.
Among them, some try to kill themselves.

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大変失礼いたしました m(_ _)m

先ほどの文は、Japanese tend to be (overly) concerned about their own appearances, と be が飛んでいました。ごめんなさい。或いは、attentive to なんていうのも良いかも知れませんね。

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、、、と思ったら、日本文 ⇒ 英訳でしたね。

大変失礼いたしました。何故か英文を和訳したのかと思ってしまいました (^^;)

Some people feel undue (excessive) stress in this (already) stressful society. For example, Japanese tend to (overly) concerned about their own appearances, and it make them feel the stress. In addition, some people even lose their reasons for living because they lose their jobs and face financial difficulties. For these reasons, some people even attempt suicide.

客観論であれば、先ほど申し上げた通り、「日本人 ⇒ 彼ら」とした方が良いですし、日本人としてその性質を紹介する文なら、usでも良いかと思います。

some people ⇒ Some people
sress ⇒ stress
japanese ⇒ Japanese
in addition ⇒ In addition
、、、のところはそれぞれ直す必要がありますね。the reasons ⇒ these reasons でしょうかね。

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お礼日時:2008/07/16 23:26


「我々」と訳していますが、多分この文章は客観論なので、「日本人 ⇒ 彼ら」とした方が良いと思います。それから、「ストレス ⇒ 抱える」と訳すのも一案です。

>>some people feel undue sress in this stressful society, for exaple, japanese tend to keep up appearances and it has them feel the stress. in addition, some people lost the reason for living because they lost their jobs, and also they are in financial difficulties. For the reasons, some people attempt suicide.

some people ⇒ Some people
sress ⇒ stress
japanese ⇒ Japanese
in addition ⇒ In addition
、、、ここでご質問なさる際には、原文を正確に転記し、必ずご自分でも読み返すようにして頂くと良いでしょう。折角有効な質問をしているのに、「sress、japanese」と書いてあるのを見るだけで回答する気力をなくすこともあります。例えば quietをquiteと誤転記してあったら、それだけで意味が全く違ってくるのはお分かりの通りです。以後、よろしくお願いいたします。
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