

1 彼はフランス語だけでなく、ドイツ語も話せる。
  He speaks(French,as,as,German,well).
2 彼女は英語をとても流暢に話すので、電話でアメリカ人に間違えられます。
  She speaks English(taken,so,for,that,is,fluently,she)an American on the telephone.
3 私の兄はフランス語を書けるだけでなく、話すこともできる。
  My brother(speaks,only,writes,not,French,but)it.
4 彼も彼女も、その事故に対して責任はない。
  (he,responsible,neither,is,nor,she)for the accident.
5 間もなく彼女は回復するでしょう。
  (not,will,before,be,it,long)she gets well.
6 雨が降るといけないから傘を持って行ったほうがよい。
  You had(an ambrella,rains,better,it,case,take,in).
7 彼女が帰ってくるまで、部屋をそのままにしておきなさい。
  (it,leave,as,is,the room)untill she comes back.
8 あなたが早く帰ろうと帰るまいと、わたしはどちらでも構いません。
  It(matter,whether,not,to,does,me)you go home early or not.
9 人は金持ちという理由ではなく、知恵があるという理由で尊敬に値する。
  A man is worthy of respect(because,because,is,but,not,he,rich)he has wisdom.
10 困ったことに、その日は車の都合がつかないのです。
  (that,problem,is,is,our car,the)not available on that day.
11 初めてベティにあったとき、私は彼女があまり気に入らなかった。
  (met,the,I,Betty,time,first),I didn´t her very much.
12 この前お会いしたときには、患者さんはとても元気そうでしたよ。
  (I,the,time,patient,saw,last,the),she looked very well.
13 山荘に着くまでに彼女は完全に疲れ果てた。
  She was absolutely(the,reached,exhausted,she,time,by)the cottage.
14 彼は絵画より音楽が好きだという点で父親に似ている。
  He takes(the,prefers,after,he,music,in,his father)to paintings.
15 健康は富に勝るといっても過言ではない。
  (not,say,too,it,much,is,to)that health is above wealth.
16 8時に車で迎えに来ていただけませんか。
  I(pick,windering,up,could,was,if,me,you)at eight.
17 野球をするとなると、彼は誰にも劣らない。
  He is second to none(it,to,baseball,comes,playing,when).
18 私が待って間もなく彼が現れた。
19 彼は選挙ではほとんどの人が彼を支持してくれるものと思っていた。
  He(for,that,took,granted,it)most people would support him in the election.20 私を怒らせたのは彼女のその言い分だった。
  It was(it,way,said,she,that,the)made me angry. 

A 回答 (1件)

1. He speaks German as well as French.

2. She speaks English so fluently that she is taken for an American on the telephone.
3. My brother not only writes French but speaks it.
4. Neither he nor she is responsible for the accident.
5. It will not be long before she gets well.
6. You had better take an umbrella in case it rains.
7. Leave the room as it is until she comes back.
8. It does not matter to me whether you go home early or not.
9. A man is worthy of respect not because he is rich but because he has wisdom.
10. The problem is that our car is not available on that day.
11. The first time I met Betty, I didn't like her very much.
12. The last time I saw the patient, she looked very well.
13. She was absolutely exhausted by the time she reached the cottage.
14. He takes after his father in that he prefers music to paintings.
15. It is not too much to say that health is above wealth.
16. I was wondering if you could pick me up at eight.
17. He is second to none when it comes to playing baseball.
18. I had not waited long before he showed up.
19. He took it for granted that most people would support him in the election.
20. It was the way she said it that made me angry.
    • good
    • 1
