
But why do Americans think it polite to praise their spouses, while Japanese think just the opposite? This can't be explained in terms of a single, incidental polite fiction like"my wife is beautiful" or "my wife is not good." We must instead look at larger, more fundamental polite fictions, and how they combine to from the framework of any given culture. These fundamental polite fictions, which are closely interrelated, make up a logically consistent psychological would which unconsciously shapes and influences everything we feel, think or do.
It is important to remember that polite fictions don't normally function at the conscious level. They are like the air we breathe, we don't notice it consciously unless there is something "strange" about it. As long as we are communicating with people of our own culture , we take polite responses for granted. We assume that they are "natural."
It's only when we come up against polite responses that are "unnatural" to us that we can see, in the contrast, the polite fictions that lie behind our own actions. And by becoming consciously aware of them, we can learn to control our "natural" but often mistaken interpretations of the actions of others.

A 回答 (1件)

しかし日本人が配偶者を卑下するのが礼儀と考えるのに対し、なぜアメリカ人は褒めるのが礼儀と思うのでしょうか? これを「私の妻は素晴らしいんです」とか「私の妻はダメなんです」といった、単純で思わず出てしまうポライト・フィクション(※1)といった観点から説明することはできません。


※1:polite fiction
※2:×psychological would→○psychological world として訳しました。そうでないと文の整合性がありません。
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2016/04/15 08:57
