

1 the (w )hat is (s )like a cone.

2 a (g ) is coming out of the haunted (c ).

3 The old witch (f )on her (b )up into the sky.

4 It is late at (n ) now, since we can see (s )and the (m )in the sky.

わかる方ご回答宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

A 回答 (4件)

1 the (witch) hat is (shaped) like a cone.

2 a (ghost) is coming out of the haunted (castle).

3 The old witch (flies) on her (broom) up into the sky.

4 It is late at (night) now, since we can see (stars) and the (moon) in the sky.

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broom (箒)です。
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1 the (white )hat is (slim・slender )like a cone.

2 a (ghost) is coming out of the haunted (cottage ).

3 The old witch (flew )on her (b )up into the sky.

4 It is late at (night) now, since we can see (stars )and the (moon )in the sky.

(2の後の方は、condominium (分譲マンション)も思いついたんですけれど、それじゃおかしいですよね!(笑)
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1 the (witch) hat is (seen) like a cone.

2 a (ghost) is coming out of the haunted (castle).

3 The old witch (flies) on her (broom) up into the sky.

4 It is late at (night) now, since we can see (stars) and the (moon) in the sky.
    • good
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