


There is such a thing as"audience sense",()()()()()() naturally, or which they acquire with experience.

(a) appear (b) speakers (c) which (d) to
(e) have (f) many


()()()()()()() whether his audience is interested or bored, sympathetic or antagonistic.

(a) this (b) to (c) enables (d) know
(e) speaker (f) sense (g) a

(3) そのような意識のおかげで、講演者はまた、話を締めくくるべき時を判断しやすくなる。

Such a sense, too, ()()()()() the ()() to conclude his remarks.

(a) helps (b) to (c) proper (d) speaker (e)judge (f) a (g) moment


()() mistake ()()()()() go too strongly against the feelings of your audience, either as to the tenor of your remarks, or as to their length.

(a) greater (b) than (c) no (d) made (e) can (f) be (g) to

A 回答 (1件)

1 which many speakers appear to have

2 This sense enables a speaker to know

3 helps a speaker to judge / proper moment

10 No greater / can be made than to
    • good
    • 0
