
BIG DIPPER III Lesson 18です。

Bottled Water? No Water?

1️⃣When thinking about the environment, the Japanese should take time to reconsider their lifestyles. Today, one of the hottest environmental issues abroad is bottled water. Not only does the bottled water industry cost the planet a great deal in energy and materials, it has become a symbol of First World excess.
2️⃣It is ironic that, although consumers in wealthy countries have safe drinking water, they are willing to pay up to 100 times more for bottled water because of clever packaging and attractive names. All the development that has brought drinkable tap water to everyone in Japan seems somehow wasted. Why people prefer to buy small amounts of water in PET bottles remains a mystery.
3️⃣The bottled water industry makes large profits while consuming large amounts of energy. Vending machines and refrigerated store shelves run 24 hours a day. PET bottles require costly disposal. Bottled water is an example of how industries in developed countries increase consumer choice while ignoring the ecological impact of their actions.
4️⃣Around the world, many countries have started to restrict the consumption of bottled water. In the United States, the Conference of Mayors in 2008 voted to take measures to encourage tap water use. In Britain, bottles of water are no longer served at government meetings. Clearly, the movement against bottled water is growing.
5️⃣While the consumption of bottled water is a significant environmental concern in the developed world, the lack of clean drinking water is a major health problem in the developed world. The World Health Organization has found that over one billion people, mainly in poorer countries, have no access to safe water whatsoever.
6️⃣In order to improve world water supplies, some companies in the U.S. have started donating a portion of sales from bottled water. Donations and lifestyle changes will not immediately solve these global problems, but they are a small step in the right direction. Remember this the next time you think about buying a bottle of water.

A 回答 (3件)


4 bott世界各国では、ボトル入り飲料水の使用を制限し始めています。米国では、2008年の市長会議で水道水使用を促進するための措置を取ることが議決されました。英国では、政府の会合で水のボトルが提供されなくなりました。明らかに、ボトル入り飲料水に対する動きは拡大しています。
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