
高校英語の句 節 意味上の主語の単元です。答えを教えてください
A Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
( ) ( )at a U.S. company is my life goal.
( ) is important ( ) ( )when you greet someone.
I'm proud of ( ) ( ) your best in everything.
It was careless ( ) ( ) ( ) leave the light on.
B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
(1) (children/ stronger/outside /makes/ playing).
(2) The teacher (to/ the students/ told/ ten words/memorize) a day.
(3) It (necessary/is/ us/control/ for/ to) our desires.
(4) The new materials were ( the researchers / very tough / for / create / to ).
C Express the following in English and complete the sentences.
Robot cleaners are perfect( ) their rooms clean.

I’d( ) back
( ) is wrong.
( )by car than by train.
D Express the following in English.

A 回答 (2件)


(To ) (work )at a U.S. company is my life goal.

(It ) is important (to ) (smile )when you greet someone.

I'm proud of (you ) (doing) your best in everything.

It was careless (of ) (you ) (to ) leave the light on.

B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
(1) (children/ stronger/outside /makes/ playing).
Playing outside makes children stronger.

(2) The teacher (to/ the students/ told/ ten words/memorize) a day.
The teacher told the students to memorize ten words a day.

(3) It (necessary/is/ us/control/ for/ to) our desires.
It is necessary for us to control our desires.

(4) The new materials were ( the researchers / very tough / for / create / to ).
The new materials were very tough for the researchers to create.

C Express the following in English and complete the sentences.
Robot cleaners are perfect (to maintain ) their rooms clean.

I’d (like you to call me ) back

(It is clear that his argument ) is wrong.

(It is convenient to go there )by car than by train.

D Express the following in English.

This question is too difficult for the students to solve.

It was very smart of you to buy the ticket early.

It is effective to have friends in order to live longer.
    • good
    • 2


(1)To work
(2)It, to smile
(3)you doing
(4)of you to
(1)Playing outside makes children stronger.
(2)told the students to memorize ten words
(3)is necessary for us to control
(4)very tough for the researchers to create
(1)to keep
(2)like you to call me
(3)It is clear that his argument
(4)It is more convenient to go there
(1)This problem is difficult for students to solve.
(2)It was wise of you to by the tickets early.
(3)It is effective for living longer to have friends.
    • good
    • 1
