
肯定文中のanyの用法で、any of A,any +単数名詞のそれぞれのあとに動詞が続くとき、動詞は単数扱いになるのか、複数扱いになるのか教えてください。

A 回答 (2件)

any of A  A が単数なら動詞も単数扱いです。

Any child knows that.「どんな子どもでもそのことは知っている」
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① any of : 代名詞で、複数を従える

② any : 形容詞で、単数を従える

https://learnersdictionary.com/definition/any2 any /ˈɛni/ pronoun
Learner's definition of ANY— often + of
Any of them could answer the question.
He is taller than any of the other boys.

1 any /ˈɛni/ adjective
Learner's definition of ANY
always used before a noun
— used to indicate a person or thing that is not particular or specific
Ask any man you meet, and he will tell you the same thing.
Any one of them could have answered the question.
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