

I would be glad if the news ( ) true.
① is ② were ③ are ④ been

If I ( ) more time, I could have written a nicer project proposal.
① have ② had ③ have had ④ had had

If you ( ) have any questions, please call me anytime.
① should ② would ③ will ④ must

If I were ( ) win 700 million yen in the lottery, what would I buy for you?
① for ② at ③ to ④ with

I wish I ( ) to the concert with you last night.
① will go ② have gone ③ could have gone ④ can go

The manager behaved as if nothing ( ) .
① have happened ② had happened ③ happen ④ were happened

It is time that you ( ) the 9:00 a.m. bullet train.
① catches ② caught ③ catching ④ to catch

( ) our supervisor been there, what would he have said?
① If ② As ③ Were ④ Had

She did her best, ( ) she would not have won the tennis tournament.
① besides ② however ③ otherwise ④ whereas

If it had not been ( ) your assistance, I would have failed on this project.
① in ② to ③ with ④ for

A 回答 (1件)



(1) 事実(ニュース)は現在のこと。
I would be glad if the news (is) true.

(2) 「時間がある」のも仮定(事実は時間がない)なので過去形。主節は「書き上げた」の意味の現在完了の過去形。意味的には「If 文」も現在完了だけど、「I had had ~」とはあまり言わない。
If I (had) more time, I could have written a nicer project proposal.

(3) これから未来のことの仮定。
If you (would) have any questions, please call me anytime.

(4) ここでは「be to do」で「予定、運命、~したい」の過去形。
If I were (to) win 700 million yen in the lottery, what would I buy for you?

(5) 「一緒に行った(経験)」という意味の完了形でしょう。
I wish I (could have gone) to the concert with you last night.

(6) これも「経験」あるいは「継続」の完了形。
The manager behaved as if nothing (had happened) .

(7) 事実(乗るのか乗らないのか)は知らないけど、乗るとしたらもう出る時間だ、ということ。
It is time that you (caught) the 9:00 a.m. bullet train.

(8) 「継続」(ずっとそこにいる)を表す完了形。
(Had) our supervisor been there, what would he have said?

(9) 「otherwise」の慣用表現でしょう。「さもなければ」「もしそうでなければ」という表現。
主節は「otherwise she would not win ~」というある瞬間の事実の意味でもよいのでしょうが、ここでは「勝利という経験」を言っているのでしょうね。
She did her best, (otherwise) she would not have won the tennis tournament.

(10) ずっと助けられてきた「現在完了」が「もしなかったとしたら」という仮定法。
If it had not been (with) your assistance, I would have failed on this project.
    • good
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