

Thank you for your message. I havent played soccer these days at all. because there are no green field and It's cold outside.
so, I started to run in the gym just a a little^^
Hey, say thank you to rolf.
これでいいですかね? 添削お願いします!!

A 回答 (3件)

Thank you for your message! I haven't been playing soccer at all, because I couldn't find the soccer field here in Japan, also it's been very cold outside and I don't feel like to go outside.

But, I'm going to gym and do my running excercise a little bit.
Say hello and thank you to Rolf!

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Tell Rolf that i said thanx!

thats what my american friends say all the time!
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ただ、「伝えて」と言いたい場合は「for me」と言います。「Hey, say thank you to rolf.」だと、この文脈からすれば誤解されることはないと思いますが、厳密には「(あなた自身が感謝すべきだから)ロルフにありがとうと言いなさいよ」とも解釈できます。「Hey, say thank you to Rolf for me.」のほうがいいでしょう。
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