

(1)There was too mach traffic (to go)shopping on Sunday.

(2)You may have (either) soup or salad with your lunch.

(3)Many people applied for the job,(so) only one was hired.

(4)I am (plan) to go to Europe this spring with my friends.

(5)A cheap flight to london was (advertising) in the newspaper.

(6)when I got home,my mother (is wathing) TV instead of preparing dinner.

(7)Ken's family moved into their current place in kyoto when he (was)

(8)My mother (have) already placed alarge orderbefore she haerd the newa about the poison found in their products.

(9)I have (be) waiting for the news about the flights since the earthquake.

(10)Driving after drinking alcohol is (outside) of the question.

(11)do you preger Chinese food (rather) Japanese?

(12)It is (easy) to choose a present if you know the person very well.

A 回答 (1件)

(3)意味的には but

(4)am があるので進行形で planning
(5)受動態で advertised
(6)got という過去のことなので was wathing
(7)was の後に何か抜けていませんか?
(8)My mother だから has になるはずだが,実際には heard という過去のことなので過去完了で had が正しい。
(9)have の後に原形はきません。現在完了進行形で been。
(10)out of the question で「論外だ」
(11)prefer A to B で「B よりも A を好む」


(12)他の回答はless easierとmuch easyとmore easyでした。

補足日時:2010/01/22 23:08
    • good
    • 0

