
(1)He forgot his daughter's being the fastest runner in her class.
→He forgot that his daughter was the fastest runner in her class.(wasのところが違うらしい)

(2)I have never heard that this has happened before.

(3)I am afraid that the situation may get worse.
→I am afraid of the situation getting worse.

→He was sorry for not having written the letter (もっと早く).

→You should be used to getting up early.


A 回答 (3件)

(1) being という動名詞が述語動詞として,is とか was になる。

was でいいと思いますよ。
I forgot は「忘れてた」で「娘が一番」なのは今も変わらないので
is が正解なのかもしれませんが,前後の文脈がなければ時制の一致的に was で問題ありません。

(2) I have never heard of this having happened before.
hear of ~で「~のことを聞く」で ~ing が可能。

(4) He was sorry for not having written the letter earlier.
earlier という比較級で than がないと,「実際より早く」で「もっと早く」に該当します。

(3)(5) は合っています。
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すみません,forget ~ing で「~したことを忘れる」ですので,

He forgot that his daughter had been the fastest runner in her class.

でも,forgot「忘れてた」で現在完了っぽい意味になりますので,was でもいいと思います。

(4) は
He was sorry for not writing the letter earlier.
for 以下は原因ですので,時間的に先と決まっていますので,完了形にしなくてもいいです。
Thank you for の後と同じです。
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He forgot that his daughter was the fastest runner in her class.

He forgot that his daughter was bing the fastest runner in her class.

I have never heard that this has happened before.

I never heard that this has happened before.

He was sorry for not having written the letter (earlier).

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