

Katie:America's carmakers are coming off a terrible year. Ford sales in 2008 were down more than 20% General Motors down nearly 23% and Chrysler sales fell 30%. And with that,Mark Strassmann reports,showroom after showroom is shutting down.

Mark:With America's car business stuck in reverse,the annual convention of America's car dealers is no party.

Stephan:It's hard to say this,but we're in survival mode.

Mark:Stephan Wade's typical a utah car dealer since the early 70s. He built six franchises.

TV Ad:Experience something out of this world Stephan Wade Cadillac.

Mark:And last year,five of then lost money,though he won't say how much. He's had to lay off a hundred people.

Stephan:I've lost about a third of our employees.

Mark:So on the convention floor,Wade's looking for help and hope in seminars about survival. Is 2009 a make-or-break year?

Stephan:Yes...yes,and for so many,for so many,it's a break year.

Mark:America has 20,000 car dealerships,which sold almost three million fewer new cars last year than in 2007. Instead of closing deals,more dealerships are closing shop. 900 dealerships shutterd last year. By one estimate,at least another eleven hundred will close this year,in markets like Phoenix. Nobody in here now.


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お礼日時:2010/06/27 13:32

