

The toilet in my house had a bookshelf, where there was always books which my father had been reading.

I often said that it was boring me so I didn't know whether I read it till the last page.

I think that he only wanted to share happy feeling with me by telling me the books which he felt was interesting.

A 回答 (1件)


(1)The half-bathroom in my house had a small bookcase where my father put his half-finished books.

*toilet というのはイギリス英語圏ではトイレのことですが、アメリカ英語だとトイレそのものの意味なので、日本語のトイレに当たるものはhalf-bathroom と呼ばれています(ちなみにfull-bathroomはシャワーやバスタブがついているところをさします)。

(2)I often told him that I didn't know if I would finish reading or not because some of his books were boring.

(3)I think that he only wanted to tell me the books that made him happy and share his feeling with me.
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