

Dear Old Lady : I hate to mention this, stewardess, but I think one of the engines is on fire.

Stewardess : No, indeed, madam, those little sparks you see are a part of the normal functioning. May I ask, is this your first flight?

Dear Old Lady : That's right. My children gave me this trip as a present for my eighty-sixth birthday.

Stewardess : I thought so. Many of our first-time passengers are a little nervous, but there is nothing to worry about. Not one member of the crew has lass than two thousand hours in the air.

Dear Old Lady : Thank you, my dear. I felt I was being a little silly. But before you go, would you mind taking a look out of my window here?

Stewardess : Why, certainly. If it makes you feel a little better I'll be glad to ― oh my God!

An elderly lady flying for the first time tells a stewardess that one of the engines seems to be on fire. The stewardess says it is normal for sparks to come from the engines. But when the stewardess looks out of the window, she is shocked to see the lady is right.

An 86-year-old lady is flying for the first time. She tells an air stewardess that she thinks one of the engines is on fire. The stewardess assumes the old lady is worrying about nothing, but when she looks out of the window, it turns out that the engines really is on fire!

The dear old lady feels a bit nervous about one of the engines, because it emits sparks. So, the stewardess emphasizes, in her attempt to reassure the old lady, that this is often the case with the engines on a plane, and that there is nothing to worry about. At the end of their conversation, however, the engine breathes out a great ball of fire!

はじめ、学生の解答例の第一文が、Dear Old Lady feels a bit nervous about one of the engines, because it emits sparks. となっており、The dear old lady feels a bit nervous about one of the engines, because it emits sparks. のように、Dear Old Ladyの部分がThe dear old ladyに訂正されていました。解答例の学生は、問題文でDear Old Ladyとなっており、冠詞がいるか迷って付けなかったと思うのですが、僕は付けるなら第一文なのでAの方がよいのではと思ったのですが、どうしてTheなのでしょうか。ネイティブの解答例は、何れも不定冠詞ではじまっています。その違いを解説していただけると助かります。お願いいたします。

A 回答 (1件)

AではなくTheなのは問題文を呼んだ人ならそのdear old ladyが誰の事を指しているか理解できるからです。


    • good
    • 1

Thank you

ネイティブの二つの解答例は不定冠詞ではじめられているのに、学生の解答例は定冠詞ではじめられているという理由が明確に分かればよいのですが。”dear”を使う場合は定冠詞ではじめなければならないのでしょうかね。”dear”がなければ、"An old lady"ではじめればよいのだとは思うのですが。

お礼日時:2015/09/17 00:04
