

(1) John began to save money, ()()()()()()() needed to study abroad.

①come ②conclusion ③having ④he ⑤that ⑥the ⑦to

(2) その本は初学者が理解できるくらいの平易な英語で書かれていた。*1つ不要


①as ②beginners ③can understand ④degree ⑤easy ⑥English ⑦in ⑧such ⑨the book ⑩was written

(3) ものごとはいつも思い通りにいくとはかぎらない。

Things ()()()()()()()()().

①always ②don't ③go ④the ⑤them ⑥to ⑦want ⑧way ⑨we

(4) このような日本食ブームの原因は何だと思いますか。


①accounts ②do ③explosion ④for ⑤interest ⑥ of ⑦think ⑧this ⑨you ⑩what

(5) It was not ()()()()()()() responsible for the accident.

①driver ②other ③who ④the ⑤you ⑥was ⑦but

A 回答 (2件)

(1) having come to the conclusion that he


(2) The book was written in such easy English as beginners can understand.

「~くらい」というのを degree を用いるのでなく、
such A as Bという形で表現しつつ、ただ、as を関係代名詞のように用いて、
understand の目的語の代わりになっています。
こういう such で形容詞 easy とともに用いるのであれば、
such easy English that beginners understand it
と so/such that 構文を用いる方が自然です。
この場合は it という目的語が出てきます。

(3) don't always go the way we want them to

最後の to は代不定詞と言われるもので、
we want them (things のこと) to go を表します。
the way SV で副詞節 as ~と同じような「~するように」

(4) What do you think accounts for this explosion of interest?

What (do you think) accounts ~
what が accounts の主語です。

(5) you but the other driver who was

it is A that ~という強調構文で、
A が人なので、who としています。

その A の部分が not A but B という形になって、
「~なのは A でなく、B だ」
    • good
    • 1

(1) John began to save money, having come to the conclusion that he needed to study abroad.

(2) The book was written in such easy English as beginners can understand.

(3) Things don't always go the way we want them to

(4) What do you think accounts for this explosion of interest?

(5) It was not you but the other driver who was responsible for the accident.
    • good
    • 0

