

(1) No book has influenced English as profoundly as the King James Bible of 1611.Its phrases​ and rhythms ()()()()()()() the language as blood to the body.

(a)vital (b)have (c)as (d)the growth (e)to (f)of (g)been

(2) When you come down with a cold, you've been invaded by ()()()()()() the sneezing, coughing and runny noses associated with infection.

(a)200 viruses (b)cause (c)of the (d)that (e)one (f)more than

(3) Folktales are concerned with morality and usually take ()()()()()()()() violate the moral code of the society.

(a) who (b) of (c) what (d) individuals
(e) the form (f) happens (g) to
(h) demonstrating

(4) To Americans the Pony Express was a figure of the Old West; in reality the Pony Express was in existence for only a short period of time, about a year and a half.

(a) rather (b) find (c) are (d) that (e) surprised (f) out (g) to

(5) Both men and women wore nail polish in the ancient world.As a matter of fact, high-ranking soldiers in Egypt, and Rome spent hours before a battle ()()()()() their ()() and nails painted.

(a) having (b) on (c)makeup (d) and (e) curled (f) putting (g) hair

A 回答 (2件)

1 have been as vital to the growth of

2 one of the more than 200 viruses that cause

3 the form of demonstrating what happens to individuals who

4 in reality の後に、you are rather surprised to find out that と来て、
the Pony Express 以下が続いて、that 節となるのでしょうか。

5 spend O ~ing で、ing を and でつなぎます。
put on a dress というように、put on makeup というのです。
後半は have O 過去分詞

putting on makeup and having (their) hair curled (and nails painted)
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/04/09 07:23

⑴ have been as vital to the growth

⑵one of the more than 200 virus
that cause
⑶ the form of demonstrating what happens to individual who
⑷ weとか入って、we are rather surprised to find that out.
⑸ having makeup on and putting、hair, curled
    • good
    • 1

