


A 回答 (2件)



Thank you very much for your kind order,----

We have to inform you that your requested delivery time falls on the year-end and year-beginning.
It might cause the delay.
Could you kindly shift the date in advance by 〇〇.

Thank you in advance.


The delivery date you kindly asked falls on the year-end and year-beginning.
Therefore, we could not ship on time.
We would appreciate it very much if you could shift the delivery date in advance by 〇〇.

We are looking forward to hearing your favourite reply as soon as your convenience.
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why don't you use japanese english translation website ? for example google translation. why do i say to you about like that? your question is not for your edcation English that is your bussness only.

and this web section is for learning English people.

Do you know? this section's answers people are all volunteer, no get money.

then I think if I give to you answer about your question then it become to your business or your getting economical things (You can get money but we never get it)

I recommend to you who should use something professional interpreter company.

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    • 1

Thank you for your advice.
Of cours I used Google translation, but it is an inaccurate tlanslation so l asked on this web site.

However the manner of my questioning is bad.I will ask the question again after I revised the contents of my question.

Thank you .

お礼日時:2017/09/18 21:58
