

(1)ァ(There is) ィ(nobody) ゥ(but who) ェ(has) some faults.

(2)They were ァ(surprised) ィ(at the fluency)
ゥ(which)ェ(Tom spoke) French.

(3)It ァ(was getting) ィ(cold and dark), and ゥ(which was)worse, it ェ(began to rain).

(1)Keiko, (whom I think is good) at speaking English, wants to be an interpreter.

(2)You must choose such books (which will do you good).

(3)She was so kind to me. (That is because) I fell in love.

以上になります!回答よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

A 回答 (2件)


(1) ウ but (whoは不要)
(2) ウ with which
(3) ウ what was
(1) who I think is good
(2) a will do you good
(3) That is why
    • good
    • 1


as will do you good
    • good
    • 0
