
I bring this up here to make the point that if there is one golden quality that characterizes the British it is an innate sense of good manners and you defy it at your peril. Deference and a quiet consideration for others are such a fundamental part of British life, in fact, that few conversations could even start without them. Almost any encounter with a stranger begins with the words 'Tm terribly sorry but" followed by a request of some sort - "could you tell me the way to Brighton," "help me find a shirt my size," "get your trunk off my foot." And when you've fulfilled their request, they invariably offer a hesitant, apologetic smile and say sorry again, begging forgiveness for taking up your time or carelessly leaving their foot where your trunk clearly needed to go. I just love that.





A 回答 (1件)


【@】フュー、【変化】《形》fewer | fewest、【大学入試】
【名】少数の人、少数の物、選ばれた人々 / 【用例・形】 Few people know it. : それを知っている人は少ない。
fewはa fewと違い、否定的意味です
few ~ wjthoutでnot~withoutの感覚です 
    • good
    • 0
