
I had trouble with disposal of the packing material with the last order.
Please do not put a packing material into box with this order. and Please put an item into the original box of the maker.

A 回答 (2件)


First of all, thank you for your careful and attentive
packaging to my last order just received.
However, I like you to minimize the packing material
(expanded PE) on my next coming order as I had a trouble to
dispose them suitably. I would also appreciate it if you try
and pack my order into the original package you received
from the manufacturer.

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Please do not put a packing material into box with this order.

で出状してしまうと、今度は「裸梱包」「梱包無し」「緩衝材無し」で品物が届きますので、「minimize the packing material」と「梱包材は最小限にして下さい」としました。 但し、少なければいいってモンではないので、、、、、、、、、

However, I like you to minimize, while assuring the safe
arrival, the the packing material (expanded PE) on my next
coming order as I had a trouble to dispose them suitably.

while ensuring the safe arrival = 無事に到着するだけの最小限の梱包は確保しながら
    • good
    • 0
