

While for once that ignorance leads us to admire what with fuller insight we should perceive to be unworthy of such tribute from us, a hundred, nay, thouthand times ti prevents us from admiring that which is admirable indeed.
?? for: corresponding to(POD); as against(AHD). つまりratioを示す。
?? もっと十分に洞察出来ればそんなに賛美するに価しないことがわかるはずのものを、 無知故に感心してしまうことになる一回に対して、 無知故に、 真に素晴らしい物が素晴らしいと思えぬばあいは百回、いや千回もあるのだ。

A 回答 (2件)

We indeed hear it not seldom said that ignorance is the mother of admiration. という文がさらにその前にあります。


これを受けて,「一方」「けれども」とつなげるのがセミコロン while です。
in truth「実際には」をはさんで,for once 以下は若干英語が書き換えられていますが,概ね正しく訳されています。

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お礼日時:2010/07/02 09:42

A falser word was never spoken, and hardly a more mischievous one; for it seems to imply that this healthiest exercise of the mind rests, for the most part, on a deceit and illusion, and that with better knowledge it would cease; while, in truth, for once that ignorance leads us to admire that which with fuller insight we should perceive to be a common thing, and one demanding therefore no such tribute from us, a hundred, nay, a thousand times, it prevents us from admiring that which is admirable indeed.

この while はこの前の、
(for) it seems to imply that this healthiest exercise of the mind rests, for the most part, on a deceit and illusion, and that with better knowledge it would cease

したがって、この前の部分がないのであれば while をとばして
for once that ~で始めて正しく文が成り立ちます。
While が文頭に置くのは必要ないというか、置けば誤りです。
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