
How can you tell if it's a scam? It won't happen immediately, but eventually the scammer will ask you for money. There are other warning signs. Your new online date is young and beautiful ― probably because the scammer has used a stolen picture. Or they don't give you a postal address, just a telephone number which they never answer.

A recent study of scams in the UK provides the first ever detailed analysis of the financial impact of such scams. The survey, involving over 11, 2000 interviews, found that nearly half the UK adult population has been targeted by a scam and that every year one in 15 people (3.2 million adult) in the UK fall victim to a scam involving deceitful mail, phone calls, e-mails, or Internet sites.

A 回答 (1件)

貴方はそれがもしかして詐欺ではと伝えることが出来ますか? それはただちに行われるのではなく、詐欺師は最終的にあなたにお金の無心をするのです。



※ここはYourとなっていたので「あなた」としましたが、文脈から読むと「Their」=彼ら ではないのかな?と疑問に感じました。

    • good
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お礼日時:2012/12/06 19:28
