
ホームステイで2週間御世話になったホストファミリーに手紙を出すのですが文法などがゴチャゴチャになってしまったので添削やアドバイスなどをお願いします! それと手紙のマナーなどはありますでしょうか?

Hello!○○,○○,and○○!I'm ○○! How are you? I'm sorry I didn't write to you letter earlier.
Thank you for all your support during my stay.About one month past I stayed at your home. I'm thinking of you like the yesterday's thing.
I never missed my home because all of you kindly treated me as if we were a real family. To the contrary, I did really not want to get separated! You took me to many place! I was so fun! Especially my city Gunma hasn't sea. So I was very happy to went to and saw beach ! And NZ is bigger than Japanese. I was so surprised . Especially you eat all very much. I didn't see eat much like you in Japan! I'm only child So I found it fresh and joyous to play with ○○ and ○○ because it is as if they were brother of mine.
Thank you so much try to understand my poor English.I'm very happy.Because I could know many things about NZ! And talk with you!
And I was fun to play last card ! I'm teach how to play last card to my friend and family. And play with them !
If I have a chance to go to NZ .Can I visit you? Maybe my English will better. So I might talk with you more! I want to meet you and talk with you again! If you come to Japan,please tell me! I'll guide!
Japan is very hot now. Maybe NZ is cold now. Please take care of yourself.
If you have time, I hope to hear from you.
Best wishes

p.s. I'm enclosing photos!


A 回答 (2件)



ホームステイ先にお礼、とても心がこもっています。これを添削は可能ですが、添削するとあなたの英文ではなくなってしまいます。 ホームステイされたときには、いろいろ楽しく過ごされたのですから、あなたの気持ちをそのまま送付すればよろしいと思います。

英語は外国語ですから、どのような達人であれ、完璧には書けません。また、間違えるのは当然です。 がんばって英語の勉強をしてください。そして、再びホストファミリーと再会できるといいですね。
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お礼日時:2015/06/30 02:37

①I'm sorry I didn't write to you letter earlier→I 'm sorry replying for late.

②I did really not want to ~のreallyはwant の前につけた方がいいかも。

③あとEspecially~の部分は、 The most impressive thing is that the beach where you took me because there is no sea in my city, Gunma.って書くとより伝わるかなと。

④I'm teach how to~って書くよりもI 'll teach かもうすでに教えたならI taught かな。あとAndから始めるのはあんまりよくないと聞きます。

⑤I'm only child →I'm still a child って意味なのかな?

⑥I’m very happyというよりは、ホームステイ期間中のことを指していることだと思ったのでam をwasにした方がいいかも。


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お礼日時:2015/06/30 02:37

