
Japanese use mutual apology as a social lubricant, to keep the wheels of human relations running smoothly. Showing anger or disagreement throws sand into the wheels. Therefore, in awkward situations you are expected to apologize. It doesn’t matter whether or not you caused the awkwardness; you are still expected to apologize.
When you apologize, it makes the other person automatically apologize in return, just as bowing makes the other person bow, too. Mutual apology indicates mutual willingness to consider the possibility of a mistake. It prevents the blame from being shouldered entirely by one person, thus keeping awkwardness to a minimum, and making things run smoothly.
But when the Japanese said “I’m sorry” to the Americans, things didn’t run smoothly; they got more awkward. This was because “I’m sorry” means something quite different to Americans.
To an American, the guide’s “I’m sorry” would mean “I’m sorry that I was late,” which in turn would mean that he had lied earlier when he said that he had been on time.
Most Americans would assume that if the guide had been on time, he would argue in his own defense. He might try to defuse the other person’s anger by saying, “I’m sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding, ” but he wouldn’t stop there. He would always add, “but I really have been waiting for you at the front for an hour.”

A 回答 (1件)



※1&2 the Japanese, the Americans
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2015/11/29 11:02
