

(1) 彼が5歳の時、海洋学者だった彼の父は、北海(the North Sea) の油田を調査する目的で、家族と共に英国に渡った。

*purpose,oceanographer, oil fields, researchを使って

(2) そういうわけで彼は英語で教育を受け、英語が彼の第1言語になった。

*frist language, educatedを使って

(3) 映画もまた優れたものだったので、アカデミー賞(Academy Awards) の8部門にノミネートされた。

*so that, nominate A for Bを使って


(5) 1997年に、そのシリーズの最初の本が出版されるやいなや、大ヒットとなった。

*a great hitを使って

(6) 彼女はプロットを非常に重視していたので、各巻が相互に関連するように、7巻からなるシリーズを書いた。

*think highly of~,the series of seven booksを使って

(7) そういうわけで、そのシリーズとともに、その著者も世界中で有名になった。

*A as well as Bを使って

A 回答 (1件)

⑴When he was five, his father, an oceangrapher, went to the U.K. with his family for the purpose of his research on oil fields in the North Sea.

⑵ That is why he got educated in
English, which has become his first language.
⑶ The movie was so great that it was nominated for eight sections of Academic Awards.
⑷She began to write novels in order to make money for raising her only daughter.
⑸ As soon as the first book in its series was publshed, it became a great hit.
⑹ She thought highly of its plot, therefore, she wrote the series of seven books so that each of them could be related with each other.
⑺ That is why the auther as well as her series became famous,
    • good
    • 10

