

(1) 技術革新のおかげで、人々の生活は豊かになったが、その一方でまだ解決しなければならない問題を私達はたくさん抱えている。

(2) 最近、私達は人を「勝ち組」と「負け組」に分けがちである。しかし、何をもって勝ち組とするかは、人それぞれの判断による。

A 回答 (2件)


Technical development brings us a rich life. Still, we have many problems to be settled.

Nowadays, we tend to classify people to, so called, "Winners" and "Losers". However, the judgement is different individually.
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We have a lot of problems that should still be solved on the other hand though people's lives became rich thanks to the technical improvement.


Nowadays we tend to divide people into two groups as 'Winners' and 'Losers.' But the way to define the winner depends on each judgement of people.


https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/questio …
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