
問題.....Complete the conversation. Use can't, must, or might.
A: What kind of animal do you think this is?
B: I'm not sure. It has paw,s so it (1).....be a kind of cat.
A: It doesn't have any stripe, so it (2).....be a tiger. Do you think it (3).....be a leopard?
B: Yes, it (4).....be a leopard because it has spots.
But it looks smaller.
A: Let's see. What does it say on the sign? It's a cheetah.
B: Oh, really? Interesting! I've never seen a cheetah before.
答え: (1) might/ (2) can't/ (3) must/ (4) might
問題の答えに自信があるません。 答え合わせをして下さい。

A 回答 (1件)


(1)は直前に「I'm not sure.」と言っているので、「might」で間違いないでしょう。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2009/01/26 16:49
