

たこ焼きは350円です。 それは安くありませんが、価格相応の味があります。

Takoyakiman is octopus dumpling shop in the tokyo town of tokyo.
This shop is three minutes on foot from my house.
Get on a bus for tokyo from tokyo Station and get off at tokyo bus stop.
It is a one-minute walk from bus stop.
I went to this shop to buy food with a family from about 7 years old well.
This shop is a shop for exclusive use of take-out.
This shop is small and The appearance of the shop does not change for years.
However, there is not the aging impression.
There is a picture of a lovable octopus in the signboard, and the outline shines.
The shop is only one room of the first floor.
This shop sells the okonomiyaki and yakisoba and oobannyaki, what have you too.
All is very delicious.
This shop is a popular shop of the towns.
The octopus dumpling is 350 yen. There is not it cheaply, but there is the taste of the price suitability.
This shop is the shop which families of four open.
They are very companionable people.
There is an iron plate in the close vicinity of the counter.
They service The tea which is warm in winter and The tea which is cold in summer.
The shop has only one bad point.
It is a little hot in summer because there is an iron plate in the presence while being waiting to cook.
Finally was ate an octopus dumpling of the new merchandise ponzu sauce taste.
The next wants to eat Gorgeousnessokonomiyaki that vegetable and cuttlefish and pork entered.


A 回答 (1件)

Takoyakiman is a octopus dumpling shop in Tokyo Town of Tokyo. This shop is three minutes on foot from my house. Get on a bus for Tokyo from Tokyo Station and get off at the bus stop of Tokyo. (Don't be confused. we have the town named as Tokyo Town in the metropolis of Tokyo)

It is a one-minute walk from the bus stop. I used to go to this shop to buy food with my family at and from an age about 7 years old. Takoyakiman only serves take-out. The shop is very small and its appearance doesn't change for years. However, it never gives us the old fashioned impression. There is a picture of a lovable octopus in a signboard, and its frame shines fasionabley.

The shop has only one room on the first floor. it also sells Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba and Oobannyaki. All is very delicious. The shop is a popular in the town.
The octopus dumpling is 350 yen. It is not cheap, but tastes good enough to meet the price.

Takoyakiman is run by family of four. They are very companionable people.
The shop has a big grill plate near the coner of a counter. They service warm tea in winter and cold one in summer.

Eveything is supurb but one. While I'm waiting for my food to be cooked, it is a little hot in summer because there is an iron plate in front of the waiting line.

The kind of takoyaki I had last is an octopus dumpling with the ponzu sauce. In the next time, I want to eat gorgeous Okonomiyaki cooked with a lot of vegetable and cuttlefish and pork.
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2010/07/10 01:03
