
old negative stereotypes of the japanese that had been around since world war II were brought back and applied to
the new economic context. they were sneaky.
they said "yes" at a business meeting, but later said they were just thinking about it.
they could not be trusted. they were ungrateful. they were hurting the american economy after the war and taking american
jobs after americans had helped them to restart their economy after the war and protected it while it was growing.
some americans actually believed that the japanese could only have success-fully competed with america by cheating.


A 回答 (1件)



☆ 第2文からは、アメリカ人の間にどの様な日本人に対する否定的な固定観念があったかを述べている部分です。時制は過去形になっていますが、訳では現在形にしました。
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