
描出話法(represented speech)について、具体的内容・例示を有する資料が見つかりません。資料名とその内容へのアクセス先等、ご存知の方おられましたら教えていただけませんか?

A 回答 (1件)



描出話法(represented speech):Jepersen(1924)の用語。直接説話法と間接話法の中間の話法で、伝達説を欠くものを言う。たとえば、直接話法 He said, “Are we never to meet?” は間接話法で He asked if they were never to meet.となるが、描出話法では Were they never to meet? となる。
    • good
    • 0

Dear toko
Thank you for your tip on the speech in question.
I'm not familiar or almost no interest in this subject so far, because I have been engaged mainly in technical writings for engineering biz. Presetly I happen to be asked to explain this theme, so I need more information to make my audience get the point.
Again, many thanks for your tip.
Rgds, N.Kawauchi

お礼日時:2004/06/16 13:56
