
After the clinical trials have been completed, the company analyzes all of the data and, if the data is positive, files an NDA with the FDA. In 1997, the average NDA review time for new substances' approval was 16.2 months. After this approval, physicians are then free to prescribe the new medicine. The drug manufacturer must continue to submit periodic reports to the FDA that include the appropriate quality-control records and information on any cases of adverse reactions. For some medicines, the FDA requires follow-up trials to evaluate long-term effects.

Developing safe and effective new medicines is a long and expensive process. The 11 to 13 years it takes on average from laboratory to pharmacy is very long for people suffering from terminal disease. In recent years this has led to greater pressure by patients who know they cannot wait for treatment. For these patients, speeding up the lengthy process is indeed a matter of life and death.

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