
1.(a) Although he had no qualifications, he got the job
(b) In ( ) of ( ) no qualifications, he got the job.
はじめはIn spite of で二つめのカッコがわからないです。

2.(a) What if we start all over again ?
(b) What do you ( ) to starting all over again ?

3.①(It) is no easy task ②(to maintaining) one's ③(position in) the ④(face of) fierce opposition.

4.My uncle ①(always says), “Don't ②(look down on) people just ③(though) they ④(are poor”).

5.E-commerce ①(makes) the creation of a ②(home-based) business much ③(easy) than ④(in) the past

6.Sometimes we are ①(not even) aware ②(that) we have been ③(rubbed by) our rights because we do not know ④(we have) them.

7.Living in a foreign country ①(provides) an opportunity ②(for) students ③(to become) independent ④(over) their parents.

A 回答 (2件)

7は④が of ってことです。

be は become など、別の動詞で SVC になってもいいです。
    • good
    • 0

1.(a) Although he had no qualifications, he got the job

(b) In ( ) of ( ) no qualifications, he got the job.
had の意味を出すために、動名詞 having

2.(a) What if we start all over again ?
(b) What do you ( ) to starting all over again ?
what if は状況によって意味が変わりますが、ここは how about 的な意味。
よって、what do you say to ~ing

3.①(It) is no easy task ②(to maintaining) one's ③(position in) the ④(face of) fierce opposition.
単純に形式主語 it の後、不定詞で②は to maintain

4.My uncle ①(always says), “Don't ②(look down on) people just ③(though) they ④(are poor”).
「~だからと言って(~すべきでない)」で③は because

5.E-commerce ①(makes) the creation of a ②(home-based) business much ③(easy) than ④(in) the past
そうですね、than があるから比較級。

6.Sometimes we are ①(not even) aware ②(that) we have been ③(rubbed by) our rights because we do not know ④(we have) them.
be robbed of ~で「~を奪われる」by じゃ意味が合いません。

7.Living in a foreign country ①(provides) an opportunity ②(for) students ③(to become) independent ④(over) their parents.
be independent of ~で「~から独立している」
    • good
    • 1
