
Why do Japanese schools and companies require all full time members of their staff to attend meetings, regardless of whether they understand the language or not? They are probably trying to demonstrate that the non-Japanese staff are "one of us." It is less important that the non-Japamese or anyone else, for that matter----understand the content of the meeting and participate; it is more important to maintain the form that they are included in meetings where important decisions are made.

A 回答 (2件)

Why do Japanese schools and companies require all full time members of their staff to attend meetings, regardless of whether they understand the language or not?


They are probably trying to demonstrate that the non-Japanese staff are "one of us."

It is less important that the non-Japamese or anyone else, for that matter----understand the content of the meeting and participate;

it is more important to maintain the form that they are included in meetings where important decisions are made.
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お礼日時:2016/10/17 16:16


Why do Japanese schools and companies require all full time members of their staff to attend meetings, regardless of whether they understand the language or not?
なぜ日本の教育現場や職場では、全ての学生/従業員が 言語を理解している/いないに関わらずミーティングに参加することを求められるのか?

They are probably trying to demonstrate that the non-Japanese staff are "one of us."
おそらく 日本語を話せなかったとしても ”一員”であることを示そうとしているのだろう。

It is less important that the non-Japamese or anyone else, for that matter----

understand the content of the meeting and participate; it is more important to maintain the form that they are included in meetings where important decisions are made.
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