
(Jerry and Elaine enter and see the mannequin getting spanked by another mannequin)

JERRY: Boy, the resemblance is uncanny.

(Elaine goes to the saleswoman)

ELAINE: You think you can pose me however you want? That's my ass in your window!

SALESWOMAN: It's our store and our mannequin, we can do whatever we want with it.

ELAINE: No! You take that mannequin down right now, or I'm pressing charges. (Jerry goes along) Yes, this is my attorney.

SALESWOMAN: (to Jerry) Yeah? What law am I breaking?

JERRY: Well, I believe there's some legal precedent - Winchell vs. Mahoney,

ELAINE: Uh-huh

JERRY: The Charlie Macarthy hearings.

ELAINE: Uh-huh. Are you taking this down?

SALESWOMAN: I'm getting the manager. (she leaves)

ELAINE: Jerry get the car. (she's getting the mannequin)

JERRY: What are you doing?

ELAINE: Just get the car!

JERRY: Elaine, as your legal counsel I must advise against this.

(They get out with the mannequin)

(scene ends)

[Jerry's car]

(Jerry and Elaine are sitting in the car with the mannequin between them. Jerry looks at the two Elaines beside him.)

JERRY: I don't know about you, but I'm getting a hankering for some doublemint gum. Alright, I'm dropping you off at work, right?

A 回答 (1件)

doublemint gumってWrigley社のガムでCMはいつも双子が出てるんです。


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