
I have attempted to make the best of my material circumstances always; nor do I see to-day how any widely varying course could have been wiser or even feasible: but material things have nothign to do with that life which moves in me.
Why, then, should they direct and heighten and provoke and curb every action of life? It is against the tyranny of matter I would rebel-against life's absolute need of food, and books, and fire, and clothing, and flesh, to touch and to inhabit, lest life perish.
No, all that which I do here or refrain from doing lacks clarity, nor can I detect any symmetry anywhere, such as living would assuredly disply, I think, if my progress were directed by any particular motive.
It is all a muddling through, somehow, without any recofnizable goal in view, and there is no explanation of the scuffle tendered or anywhere procurable.
It merely seems that to go on living has become with me a habit.

(1)It is against the tyranny~の所のItは何を指しているのでしょうか?
(2)No, all that which I do here~の文章のnor can I detect any symmetry anywhereとはどういう意味なのでしょう?ここでのsymmetryの意味が良く解りません。
(3)and there is no explanation~の部分で、the scuffle tendered or anywhere procurable. とはいうあたりもちょっと何を言おうとしているのか理解できません。

A 回答 (2件)

material circumstancesとmaterial thingsに使われているmaterialの取扱いがむずかしいですね。


but material things have nothing to do with that life which moves in me.
Why, then, should they direct and heighten and provoke and curb every action of life?

the tyranny of matter I would rebel = life's absolute need of food, and books, and fire, and clothing, and flesh, to touch and to inhabit, lest life perish
私が良としない抑圧的な力に = 生きるために最低限必要なことに
It is against the tyranny of matter I would rebel, -- against life's absolute need of food, and books, and fire, and clothing, and flesh, to touch and to inhabit, lest life perish. ….

nor can I detect any symmetry anywhere, such as living would assuredly display,
any symmetry anywhere = living would assuredly display
どこかにその(対称)写し = 生き方が明確に表れるような

It is all a muddling through, somehow, without any recognizable goal in view and there is no explanation of the scuffle tendered or anywhere procurable.
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お礼日時:2009/05/18 13:26

1) "that life which moves in me"

2) 調和
3) scuffle は muddling の言い替え。”tendered or anywhere procurable" が "explanation of the scuffle" を形容していると見ると、「"material things" と "life which moves in me" とが混在していることの理由が示されるとか、どうこうすれば分るとかいうことがない」。

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確かにここのItはthat life which moves in meを指してそうですね。要するに作者はここでthat life の説明をしていると解釈できそうです。
the scuffle とtenderedを分けて考えるって事ですよね?確かにthe scuffle tenderedじゃ意味が良く分からなくなってしまうので、この方が良さそうです。The scuffle だったので何か固有なものを指しているのは分かったのですが、文中以外の作者の経験を書いているものと又も考えすぎてしまったようです。

お礼日時:2009/05/17 20:12
