
次の英文を和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

When you have lived as long as I have,you will discover,I hope,that it is not what one sees on the outside,so much as what is in the inside of a man,which makes him happy and contented,or the contrary.

A 回答 (2件)

When you have lived as long as I have,you will discover, I hope, that it is not what one sees on the outside, so much as what is in the inside of a man, which makes him happy and contented, or the contrary.


【it is】 not what one sees on the outside, so much as what is in the inside of a man, 【which】 makes him happy and contented, or the contrary.

it is ... which ... の強調構文。

it is not what one sees on the outside, so much as what is in the inside of a man,
= it is not so much what one sees on the outside as what is in the inside of a man

<not so much A as B>
http://eow.alc.co.jp/not+so+much+A+as+B/UTF-8/?r …

<not A so much as B>
    • good
    • 0


    • good
    • 0
