
(1)Communication is an exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. In this exchange, each person must understand the other person's message. Without understanding, there is no communication.

(2)American men and women often have trouble ( communicated / communicating / to communicate / communication ) with each other. John doesn't understand Mary, and Mary doesn't understand John. The real reason for these communication breakdowns is not language. Instead, it is cultural. Although John and Mary use the same words, they are using them in different cultural contexts. John and Mary are speaking the same language but on different levels.

(3)Women think of conversation as a sharing of feelings, while men consider it an exchange of information. For women, conversation is a network among equals who talk and listen to each other. For men, it is a hierarchy where the powerful person speaks and the ( more / better / less / fewer ) powerful one listens. Women think of conversation as a skill which draws people together. Men consider it a competitive game for power.

(4)Socialization among American girls is based on friendship. They share their secrets with their best friends who are supposed to talk and listen. Socialization among American boys is based on competition and often aggression.

(5)When Mary asks John for his opinion, he tells her what to do. Without notice, he expects her to listen and take his advice. For him, the conversation is over once he has told his opinion. But not so for Mary, because the word opinion has a different meaning. She wants to discuss the matter with John before she makes her decision. She gets angry when he tells her what to do. This is a typical example of a communication breakdown. The same word has diferent meanings for different people. That is why John doesn't understand Mary.

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A 回答 (1件)


この交換によって、各人は、その他の人からのメッセージを理解しなければならない。 理解がなければコミュニケーションは成立しない。




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お礼日時:2011/11/17 00:25
