
I think that the crowdfunding is the future, and probably the person who stay alone with an idea and don't share it with other people can't create a solid business. Today there are too costs immediate: taxes, energy bills, materials, computers and so on.
★When you decide to start an activity you have to know here in Canada that in the same instant there are all of this that start together. How is in Japan? Is the same?


未来のクラウドファンディング?自分一人で、個人のアイデアを共有せずにいる人が個人事業を確立することは難しいでしょう。というのも税金、energy bills(?)、資材、その他諸々には大きなコストがかかるから??


A 回答 (1件)

I think that the crowdfunding is the future, and probably the person who stay alone with an idea and don't share it with other people can't create a solid business. Today there are too costs immediate: taxes, energy bills, materials, computers and so on.


When you decide to start an activity you have to know here in Canada that in the same instant there are all of this that start together. How is in Japan? Is the same?
君が活動を起こそうと決めたなら、ここカナダでは一緒に始まるこのすべてが瞬時に行われることを知っていた方がいいです。日本はどうです? (カナダと)同じですか?
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2015/08/03 14:42
